Wednesday, March 5, 2008

45 - Salon or Saloon?

What a night. I feel like I just got home from happy hour, except it's 3AM. Actually that would be happy hour since we don't start teaching until 5pm the next day and don't get out till about 10ish...hence the 1AM shopping and 24hr shops.

So we're headed into town after work to a cozy little spot called 45 to celebrate Teacher Erika's bday - I'm thinking westernized pub with a gawdy sign. Not so. Think Harry Potter and the train station at 9 and 3/4 platform that separates the magical world from the non-magical. Seems like a you-either-know-it-or-you-don't place, unless you drunkenly stumble upon it, in which case you wouldn't remember anyway. Turns out to be a pretty spaciously compact place. It's backwards, yeah? Yeah.

So I'm thinking this must be a pretty typical teacher's night out - decent beer, funny stories, indoor smoking, and Taiwanese people giving each other haircuts. YES. It boggles my mind too, but I love how wacky everyone is and how unashamed they are. Good times.

Teacher Paul thinks so too.

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