Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Danshui...And More Food.

It's 1:30 in the morning and I'm in my bed, having a Taiwanese beer and developing some sort of itch on my calves. Maybe I'm dirty? Although I wouldn't be surprised if it turns out to be some allergic reaction. Or maybe I'm just dirty. It's Taiwan - blessed with excessively sweaty glands (thanks to the tropical weather, esp. in the summertime), and lacking in the deodorant department. But you're right - that doesn't explain why I'm dirty with itchy calves. Anyway, here are some pictures from a day spent in Danshui. It's somewhere north of the city (I think), right by the water with tons of scrumpdidiliotious food vendors/stands/restaurants that are once again - dirt cheap. You can only imagine what an attraction this place might be so there was a massive amount of people just going to town on stinky tofu's, fresh fruit drinks, fried sweet potato puffs (one of my favorites), tofu stuffed with green bean noodles, ice cream, eggs cooked/boiled/preserved, etc. Dude I can go on forever about the food here. It's the neverending story. Haha, get it? Still corny, I know.

The scenic views up there were fantabulous - from the romantic sunsets on fisherman's wharf to the tranquil yet speedy boat ride between the wharf and the bus/train stop. Almost reminds me of times spent looking at sunsets in Battery Park City. Which reminds me, there have a small Statue of Liberty right around the Taipei 101 area...check out the footage below.

And I also met up with Ophelia for dinner (yes, more food) - she's a very good friend of my previous employer/broker back home and she is such a sweetheart. We went out for a traditional Taiwanese meal that consisted of a few small dishes so we could try different things. We had pork liver, crab with sticky rice, steamed veggies, spring rolls with peanut sauce/pork/egg/crab/veggies (the best!), noodles, and Taiwanese beer - which I've discovered to be quite good. And that means a lot coming from a non-beer person. Mmmm, I'm salivating at the thought of all these foods! Luckily for me, they're just right around the corner :)

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